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Chapter. 12 Test

Chapter. 12 Test

Q Process Technology Equipment Ch. 12 Test a. Tube leaks b. Wet bulb temperature c. Closed circuit cooling towers d. Approach e. Coolers f. Induced draft cooling towers g. Counterflow h. Evaporation i. Basin j. Drift k. Cooling range l. Drift eliminators m. Dry bulb temperature n. Blowdown o. Erosion p. Crossflow q. Fill r. Biocides s. Foaming t. Circulation rate u. Heat duty v. Dew point w. Humidity x. Forced draft cooling towers y. Louvers z. Makeup water AA. Natural draft cooling towers BB. Water distribution header CC. Psychrometer DD. Relative humidity EE. Cooling towers FF Ambient air GG Cycle of Concentration 1.__-any part of atmospheric air that is breathable. 2.__a term that describes how closely a cooling tower can cool the water to the wet bulb temperature of the air. 3.__a reservoir at the bottom of the cooling tower where cooled water is collected so it can be recycled through the process. 4.__ chemical agents that are capable of controlling undesirable living microorganisms (such as in a cooling tower). 5.__the process of removing small amounts of water from the cooling tower to reduce the concentration of impurities. 6.__the rate at which cooling water flows through the tower and through the cooling water system. 7.__cooling towers that use a closed coil over which water is sprayed and a fan provides air flow, and in which there is no direct contact between the water being cooled and the water and air umed to cool it. 8.__Heat exchangers that use cooling tower water to lower the temperature of process materials. 9.__the difference in temperature between the hot water entering the tower and the cooler water exiting the tower. 10.__structures designed to lower the temperature of water using latent heat of evaporation. 11.__the condition created when air and water flow in opposite directions. 12.__flow of water downward with air forced horizontally across the water's flow path. 13.__-the maximum multiplier for the miscellaneous substances in the circulating cooling water as compared to the amount of those substances in the makeup water. 14.__the temperature at which air is completely saturated with water vapor (100 percent relative humidity). 15.__carrying of water with the air stream out of the cooling tower; also known as tondage (a force created on an object by friction when there is relative movement between air and the object). 16.__-devices that prevent water from being blown out of the cooling tower; used to minimize water loss. 17.__the actual temperature of the air that can be measured with a thermometer. 18.__the degradation of tower components (fan blades, wooden portions, and cooling water piping) by mechanical wear or abrasion by the flow of fluids (often containing solids). Erosion can lead to a loss of structural integrity and process fluid contamination. 19.__the process in which a liquid is changed into a vapor through the latent heat of evaporation. 20.__material inside the cooling tower, usually made of plastic, that breaks water into smaller droplets and increases the surface area for increased air-to-water contact, p. 260. 21.__the formation of a froth caused by mixing of water contaminants with air; impairs water circulation and can cause pumps to lose suction or cavitate. 22.__ cooling towers that contain fans or blowers at the bottom or on the side of the tower to force air through the equipment. 23.__-the amount of heat energy a cooling tower is capable of removing, usually expressed in MBTU/hour. 24.__moisture content in ambient air measured as a percentage of saturation. 25.__cooling towers in which air is pulled through the tower internals by a fan located at the top of the tower. 26.__movable,slanted slats that are used to adjust the flow of air. 27.__the amount of water that must be added to compensate for the water leaving the cooling water system through evaporation, drift, and blowdown. 28.__cooling towers in which air movement is caused by wind, temperature difference, or other non mechanical means. 29.__an instrument for measuring humidity, consisting of a wet bulb thermometer and a dry bulb thermometer, the difference in the two thermometer readings is used to determine atmospheric humidity. 30__.a measure of the amount of water in the air compared with the maximum amount of water the air can hold at that temperature. 31.__leaks in a tube that can result in process chemicals entering the circulating water, possibly resulting in a fire,explosion, or environmental or toxic hazard. 32.__a pipe that provides water to a distributor box located at the top of the cooling tower so the water can be distributed evenly onto the fill. 33.__ the lowest temperature to which air can be cooled through the evaporation of water. Knowledge 34. (True or False) Cooling towers are designed to raise the temperature of a water stream. 35. (True or False) Natural draft towers have fans or blow- ers at the bottom of the tower that force air through the equipment are movable plates that adjust the quantity and 36. direction of the air flow into the tower. a. Spray nozzles b. Fans C. Louvers d. Basins 37. Drift is water carried over with_________ from the tower. a. air b. heat transfer C. entrainment d. evaporation 38.The and temperature of the air determine the amount of heat removed in a standard amount of air. a. Steam b. heat transfer c. entrainment d. relative humidity 39. The lowest temperature to which air can be cooled through the evaporation of water is a. humidity b. dry bulb temperature C. wet bulb temperature d. ambient temperature 40. Algae can accumulate and other plant and animal life can appear if the cooling tower_________is not controlled. a. thermodynamics b. water chemistry C. temperature d. flow 41. (True or False) The process of evaporation is less efficient than convection at removing heat. 42. (True or False) The temperature of the water leaving the cooling tower should be constant year-round. 43. Which of the following hazards can cause a hazardous chemical spill? (Select all that apply.) a. Improper cooling tower lineup b. Failure to treat cooling water chemically c. Circulating cooling water through a heat exchanger with ruptured tubes d. Improper chemical addition to a cooling tower 44.. (True or False) Legionnaires disease bacteria (LDB), which can exist in cooling towers, causes a form of pneumonia.

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Tube leaks-leaks in a tube that can result in process chemical entering the circulating water, possibly resulting in a fire,explosion, or environmental or toxic hazard Wet bulb temperature- the lowest temperature to which air can be cooled through the evaporation of water Closed circuit cooling towers-cooling towers that use a closed coil over which water is sprayed and a fan provides air flow, and in which there is no direct contact between the water being cooled and the water and air umed to cool it Approach-a term that describes how closely a cooling tower can cool the water to the wet bulb temperature of the air